Fenya (<<Феня>>), the Russian slang used by the
underworld (the poor, criminals, etc.), appears in many written pieces
during the 18th and 19th centuries. Examples can be found in stories
such as "The Comely Cook" by Kikhail Chulkov (similar to "Moll Flanders"
by Daniel Defoe) and "Van'ka Kain" by Matvei Komorov, and "feuilletons"
such as those found in "Petersburg: The Physiology of a City", edited by
Nikolai Nekrasov. "The Complete Prose Tales of Alexander Sergeyevitch
Pushkin", refers to "thieves' slang" in "The Captain's Daughter", Norton
& Co., 1966, p. 353. Thus, writing techniques similar to those used by
Charles Dickens were employed in other countries and at different
historical periods, by Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Russian writers too.
Note: words or expressions listed as
(<<мат>>) in rightmost column are
mostly used by criminals as opposed to the underworld.
alkásh | <<алкаш>> | A drunk or an alcoholic. |
ambál | <<амбал>> | A big, strong, stout man. |
bábki | <<бабки>> | Money. |
bábnik | <<бабник>> | Womanizer, philanderer. |
bazár | <<базар>> | A very loud, noisy conversation, like one conducted at a bazaar. |
bardák | <<бардак>> | Bordello, whorehouse, house of prostitution. |
bez bazára | <<без базара>> | Agreement without an argument or haggling: "No problem". |
bljad' | <<блядь>> | Bitch, whore, bastard. |
Bljákha-múkha! | <<бляха муха>> | Crap! Shit! |
boldokha | <<болдоха>> | Bush ranger. |
bolván | <<болван>> | Idiot, blockhead. |
bratán | <<братан>> | Buddy, comrade. |
bukhát' | <<бухать>> | To swallow a drink without pausing: "knock down", "toss back", or "take a slug". |
butor | <<бутор>> | Inferior, low-quality goods; poor stuff (schlock); package of inferior goods. |
cháynik | <<чайник>> | Greenhorn; beginner; novice; newbie. |
chik - byak | <<чик–бяк>> | Barefoot. |
Chyort voz'mí! | <<Чëрт возьми!>> | Expletive (literally, "Let the Devil take me!"): Damn it! Shit! |
Chyort poberí | <<Чëрт побери!>> | Expletive (literally, "Let the Devil take me!"): Damn it! Shit! |
chyort | <<чëрт>> | A prisoner with low status in the prisoner's hierarchy (literally, "a devil"). |
chyortov | <<чëртов>> |
A marked person, a cursed person, a damned person.
(Literally: "A 'black' person" in the sense of black, or bad, luck.) |
choknútyy | <<чëкнутый>> | Crazy, screwed up. |
Chto ty nesyosh'? | <<что ты несëшь?>> | "What are you driveling about?". |
chush' | <<чушь>> | Nonsense, rubbish, crap, bullshit. |
chush' sobách'ya | <<чушь собачья>> | Bullshit, nonsense. |
da nu tebya! | <<да ну тебя!>> | You don't say! Shut up! |
délo drjan' | <<дело дрянъ>> | Things look bad! |
dyorganyy | <<дëрганный>> | To be antsy, jumpy (nervous). |
der'mó | <<дерьмо>> | Shit, cruddy stuff. |
deshyovka | <<дешовка>> | A bad woman, a cheap prostitute, a cheap thing. |
dostál(a)! | <<достал(а)!>> |
Stop bothering me! (said to a man).
Stop bothering me! (said to a woman). |
drochit' | <<дрочить>> | Masturbate (мат). |
dúra, durák | <<дура>>, <<дурак>> |
Drugs, or a handgun.
A foolish man (woman). |
duraká valját' | <<дурака валять>> | To play dead. |
fi - fu | <<фи–фу>> | An arsonist. |
Fíga s dva | <<Фига с два>> | A fist with the thumb caught between the index and the second fingers, pointed at someone; equivalent to the U.S. fisted gesture where the middle finger sticks up, but all other fingers are down. |
fingál | <<фингал>> | A shiner, a black eye. |
fonár' | <<фонарь>> | A shiner, a black eye. |
golovka | <<головка>> | Leader. |
gop - stop | <<гоп–стоп>> | Robbery of passersby on a street, a mugging. |
govnó | <<говно>> | Shit, cruddy stuff. |
govnjúk | <<говнюк>> | A shitty man, a bastard. |
goní bábki | <<гони бабки>> |
Give me the dough!
Give me the money! |
idi na khuy! | <<Иди на хуй!>> | Go fuck yourself! (мат) |
Idi v pizdu! | <<Иди в пизду!>> | Go fuck yourself! (мат) |
kakáshka | <<какашка>> | A bad person (literally, "a shit"). |
kakógo chyota! | <<какого чëрта>> | What a devil! |
kalanchá | <<каланча>> | A tall girl or boy (literally, "a watchtower"). |
katít' | <<катить>> | "That's cool"; "That's okay". |
kayf | <<кайф>> | Very good. |
khaltúra, khaltúrka, | <<халтура>>, <<халтурка>> | Work on the side, as in a second (possibly undocumented) job. |
khavát' | <<хавать>> | To grab some grub, to eat. |
khaljáva | <<халява>> | A freebie, a give-away, something for free. |
khaljávshchik | <<халявщик>> | A freeloader. |
khávchik | <<хавчик>> | Chow, grub, food. |
kher | <<хер>> | Male sexual organ (мат). |
khren | <<хрен>> | Male sexual organ (a schlong, a prick). |
khrenóvo | <<хреново>> | Badly done, crappy, a lousy job. |
khuy | <<хуй>> | The male sexual organ, 'dick' (мат). |
kléit' | <<клеить>> |
To bother or pester someone;
to falsely attribute something to someone. |
klift | <<клифт>> | Coat. |
kolymága | <<колымага>> | An old wagon, a heap. |
komendant | <<комендант>> | An old prostitute. |
koncháy bazár | <<кончай базар>> | Quit yappin', stop the chitchat, shut up. |
kozyol | <<козëл>> |
A loser, a worthless human being;
A passive homosexual; Offensive address for a man, low class, criminal; Sexual pervert, traitor (мат). |
króshka | <<крошка>> | Girl, babe. |
krýsha | <<крыша>> |
Protection (by a criminal group).
Head of a group (of criminals). |
krýsha poékhala | <<крыша поехала>> | To become crazy (Literally: "the roof is gone"). |
kudá namýlilsja | <<куда намылился>> | Where do you think you're going? |
lantukh | <<лантух>> | A rough, heavy cloth cover to cover grain, or wagon. |
leopard | <<леопард>> | A squalid thief. |
lípa | <<липа>> | A forgery, a fake, a phony, an imitation (noun). |
lípovyy | <<липовый>> | Forged, fake, phony, imitation (adjective). |
Varvára |
<<любопытная Варвара>> |
A nosy person.
(Literally, a "curious Barbara".) |
ljásy tochít' | <<лясы точить>> | An empty conversation designed to divert a victim's attention. |
lokh | <<лох>> | A sucker, a klutz, a simpleton. |
manda | <<манда>> | Female sexual organ (мат). |
mat' | <<мать>> | One hot mama (attractive, sexy woman)! |
menjá nadúli | <<меня надули!>> | You took me for a sucker! |
ment | <<мент>> | Policeman. |
mne v lom | <<мне в лом>> | I'm too lazy (to do something). |
mne nasrát',
chto ty dúmaesh |
<<мне насрать, что ты думаешь>> | I don't give a damn (I don't care). |
mne pó figu | <<мне по фигу>> | I don't care, its all the same to me. |
mýrma | <<мырма>> | Unsympathetic, cold-hearted woman. |
mudak | <<мудак>> | Stupid ass (мат). |
mudi, mudya | <<муди, мудя>> | Testicles, balls (мат). |
musor | <<мусор>> | Policeman. |
na svoíkh dvoíkh | <<на своих двоих>> | On your own two feet. |
naezzhát' na kogo-libo | <<наезжать на кого-либо>> | Blame someone. |
naveselé | <<навеселе>> | Tipsy, a little drunk. |
ne berí v gólovu | <<не бери в голову>> | Don't let it get to you, take it easy. |
ne goní purgú | <<не гони пургу>> | Be honest, don't lie. |
ne svistí | <<не свисти>> | Be honest, don't lie. (Literally, "Don't whistle".) |
ne figá sebé! | <<ни фига себе!>> | Expression of surprise. |
ni khrená | <<ни хрена>> | Nothing (example: you know nothing). |
oblóm | <<облом>> | Failed plans or failed hopes. |
ogryzát'sja | <<огрызаться>> | To respond impolitely or irritatedly, to snap back. |
okhmuryal | <<охмурял>> | A foolish man. |
ostát'sja s nosom | <<остаться с носом>> | To be left with nothing, zip! |
ostýn' | <<остынь>> | Chill out, calm down. |
otvali | <<отвали>> | Go away! Leave me alone! piss off! |
otstóy | <<отстой>> | Something worthless or disgraceful, rubbish, trash, junk. |
pechka | <<печка>> | Dangerous place. |
perdét' | <<пердеть> | Fart (verb). |
perdún | <<пердун> | Fart (noun). |
pidor, pedik |
<<пидор>>, <<педик>> |
Homosexual man; derived from pederast (мат). |
pilít' | <<пилить>> | To criticize (nag, lecture, etc.). |
pit' zapóem | <<пить запоем>> | To drink heavily, to drink like a fish. |
pizda | <<пизда>> | Female sexual organ (мат). |
pizdets | <<пиздец>> | Big trouble ("deep shit") (мат). |
pjálit'sja na kogó-to,
chegó-to |
<<пялиться на кого-то, на чего-то>> | To gawk at someone or something. |
póylo | <<пойло>> | Very low-quality liquid food; for example, soup that is awful, swill. |
pogoret' | <<погореть>> | Get arrested. |
porót' chush' | <<пороть чушь>> | Talk nonsense. |
Poshol ty! | <<Пошëл ты!>> | Leave me alone! Go away! Piss off! |
pozhar | <<пожар>> | Arrest (verb) . |
pridúrok | <<придурок>> | Numbskull, dolt, idiot. |
priyátel' | <<приятель>> | Friend. |
profúkat' | <<профукать>> | Kaputt, lost, 'down the drain'. |
psikh | <<псих>> | Nut, psycho, lunatic. |
p'yan v stél'ku | <<пьян в стельку>> | Inebriated; dead drunk; plastered; wasted; etc. |
rasklád | <<расклад>> | State of affairs, situation. |
raskolót'sja | <<расколоться>> | Spill the beans, confess . |
raskusít' | <<раскусить>> | To see through and truly understand a (deceptive) person. |
rózha | <<рожа>> | A person's 'mug' (face). |
Shevelís'! | <<Шевелись!>> | Get moving! Move it! Shake a leg! |
shíshka | <<шишка>> | A big shot. |
shmon | <<шмон>> | Rummage. |
shmótki | <<шмотки>> | Clothes, rags. |
shtymp | <<штымп>> | Crime suspect. |
Sledí za bazárom! | <<Следи за базаром!>> | Watch your tongue! Cut the chitchat! |
slinyat' | <<слинять>> | To run away. |
smýt'sja | <<смыться>> | To slip through one's fingers. |
sortír | <<сортир>> | Outhouse, "john", shithouse. |
stáryy perdún | <<старый пердун>> | Old man ("old fart", geezer). |
stoayt' na ushákh | <<стоять на ушах>> | Be painstaking. |
stróit' glázki | <<строить глазки>> |
To flirt using one's eyes.
To "make eyes at" someone. |
stvol | <<ствол>> | A 'piece', a gun, a weapon. |
suka | <<сука>> | Prostitute, bitch, traitor (мат). |
svóloch' | <<сволочь>> | Jerk, bastard, prick. |
sygrát' v yáshchik | <<сыграть в ящик>> | Die, drop dead, "kick the bucket". |
szhech' | <<сжечь>> |
Turn state's evidence, squeal,
spill the beans. |
tjurjága | <<тюряга>> | Jail ("the slammer", "the clink"). |
tórmoz | <<тормоз>> |
An idiot; a dummy;
someone who's a little slow. |
trakhat' | <<трахать>> | Engage in sexual intercourse (мат). |
trepló | <<трепло>> | A blabbermouth, a bigmouth. |
tuftá | <<туфта>> | Nonsense. |
tzatza | <<цяца>> | Money. |
ukrop | <<укроп>> | Foolish or uncouth peasant. |
v zádnitse | <<в заднице>> | In a difficult situation, in a sticky situation. |
v natúre | <<в натуре>> | For real, naturally. |
vali otsjúda! | <<вали отсюда>> | Leave me alone! Piss off! Fuck off! |
volosatiki | <<волосатики>> | Foreign or strange people. |
yáytsa | <<яйца>> | Balls, nuts, testicles. |
yebat' | <<ебать>> | Engage in sexual intercourse (мат). |
yob tvoyu mat' | <<Ëб твою мать>> | Fuck your mother (мат). |
zhmot | <<жмот>> |
Greedy, miserly, or
Not a member of a gang of thieves. |
zhmúrik | <<жмурик>> | A corpse, a "stiff". |
zhópa | <<жопа>> | (He is an) asshole, arse. |
zhrat' | <<жрать>> | To wolf down, to gorge, to devour. |
za bazár otvétish' | <<за базар ответишь>> | You will be held accountable for what you said. |
zabít' strélku | <<забить стрелку>> | To arrive 'on the dot'. |
zádnitsa | <<задница>> | A jerk. |
zanúda | <<зануда>> | A boor, bothersome, annoying. |
zatknís' | <<заткнись!>> | Shut up! |
zvezdá | <<звезда>> | Someone who thinks or acts as though they are outstanding, a braggart, a showoff. (Sarcastic, with disrespect.) |
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