Proceedings of the 70th Annual Meeting of the ASM, Boston, MA 4/26 - 5/1/70
Several copies of Lederberg, E. M., Cavalli-Sforza, L., and Lederberg, J., "Interaction of Streptomycin and a Suppressor for Galactose Fermentation in E.coli K-12"m PNAS 51(4), pp. 678-682, April, 1964.
Abstracts from Bacteriological Proceedings 1962, all of which have Ellis Englesberg as a co-author:
Theodore, T., Englesberg. E., "A mutant of salmonella typhimurium deficient in Carbon Dioxide fixation"
Englesberg, E., Anderson, R., Lee, N. "L-ribulose 5-phosphate 4-eipmerase and the regulartory effect of the L-ribulokinase structural gene"
Hoffee, P., Englesberg, e. "An energy requiring exit reaction for glucose transport in Salmonella typhimurium"
Cover page for a reprint of Lederberg, J. "Isolation and characterization of biochemical mutants of bacteria" Methods in Medical Research 3, pp 5-22, 1950.
Reprint of Nester, Eugene W., Ganesan, A. T., Lederberg, J., "Effects of Mechanical shear on genetic activity of bacillus subtilis DNA", PNAS 49(1), pp 61-68, January, 1963.
Figures 1-8 of (unknown article)
Reprint and original manuscript of Lederberg, Esther M., "Genetic and functional aspects of galactose metabolism in Escherichia coli K-12", Symposia of the Society for General Microbiology Number X, Microbial Genetics, pp 115-131, 1960.
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