ASM News feature article: "Felix d'Herelle: His Life and Work and the Foundation of a Bacteriophage Reference Center", ASM News 48(8), pp 346-347, 1982.
"Felix D'Herelle reference Center for Bacterial Viruses", Unversite Laval, Culture Collection News, 6/84
Four typewritten (printed?) pages: "List of Phages by Host" from Ackermann Phage Center, date-stamped 7/19/1990.
Manila envelope containing correspondence between Esther M. LederbergL and Alex and Pam Reisner:
Short handwritten note from Pam to Esther M. Lederberg dated 11/9/1986
Esther M. Lederberg to Alex acknowledging the material he mailed to her the previous 12/19, dated 2/2/1987
Alex to Esther M. Lederberg, dated December 1986
Alex to Esther M. Lederberg, undated, possibly a followup to Pam's note of 11/9/1986 as it references some similar events. Letter provides information about MBIS ("An integrated system for the retrieval and analyses of sequence data from nucleic acids and proteins").
Twenty four page typewritten prospectus on MBIS, dated December 1986.
9/8/1987 Esther M. Lederberg to Jean Houmard, with forms assigning Houmard Tn numbers 4871 - 4900 and IS numbers 701 - 799.
10/3/88 Esther M. Lederberg to Paul H. Roy, regarding Tn 2603; Prefix Registry form attached. Esther M. Lederberg also references an offer from Dr. Roy for "the newest verses of the Plasmid song".****.html for the original
lyrics of this song.
5/25/1988 letter to Esther M. Lederberg from Lolita Daneo-Moore of Temple University, regarding reference numbers for three conjugative transposons, plus a plasmid reference initial.
Undated Yogvar Tveten of Telelab requesting prefix designations for some plasmids his lab has recently isolated, plus information on any similar plasmids
2/4/1988 letter to Esther M. Lederberg from Simon Silver of U. Illinois college of Medicine re. pHG numbers used in Griffin, H.G., Foster, T., Silver, S., Misra, T., PNAS 84:3112-3116, May 1987.
5/13/1987 letter to Werner Arber, started by Esther M. Lederberg but not completed
7/24/1986 Esther M. Lederberg to Richard Novick, editor of PLASMID, re PLASMID's Instructions to Authors. Esther M. Lederberg complains that Instructions to Authors section "omits any procedure for avoiding duplicate plasmid prefix designations." Handwritten note at the bottom, dated 10/16/1987, addressed to "Frank", asking if PLASMID could modify this procedure.
Undated partial page with handwritten notes about availability of pLMF and pMEC, available and registered to "Yarnell"
Xerox of Hartl, Daniel L. and Sawyer, Stanley, "Why Do Unrelated Insertion Sequences Occur Together in the Genome of Escherichia coli?" Genetics 118, pp 537-541, March, 1988.
Copy of a flyer for Daniel Hartl's talk, "Transposable element Mariner in Drosophila", to be held Monday, April 25, 1988 at Stanford
7/8/1980 Esther M. Lederberg to H. Ohtsubo of SUNY Stony Brook, noting a conflict in his use of pHS for one of his plasmids (this nomenclature is already "used for Staph"). Handwritten notes at top and bottom, including: "Sent again 1/6/87" and "4/1/83 by hand"
10/19/1988 J. VanDerLeyden to Esther M. Lederberg, delivering a copy of a manuscript that includes the use of "IS427", prefix assigned to him by the PRC.
Undated handwritten note that includes "Distribution - reminder send letter"
5/3/1988 printout, on perforated formfeed paper, of Tn allocation registrants. Continues Table I from Gene 51, pp 113-116, 1987.
5/31/1988 printout, on perforated formfeed paper, revising the IS list used for Gene 51, pp 113-116, 1987.
Feb. 1979 "Revised catalog list" of PRC cultures
4/1/1982 Thea Horodniceanu to Esther M. Lederberg requesting 20 Tn numbers. Handwritten note by Esther M. Lederberg indicates she assigned Dr. Horodniceanu Tn 3701 - 3720. Further handwritten note (letter re-sent by Dr. Horodniceanu?) thanks Esther M. Lederberg and references Gene 16, p 59, 1981.
2/23/1988 announcement from Los Alamos regarding their LiMB (LIsting of Molecular Biology) database.
Xeroxed copy of Kleckner, Nancy, "Translocatable Elements in Procaryotes", Cell 11, pp 11-23, May 1977.
Xeroxed copy of Yamada, Tetsujji, Lee, Ping-Du, and Kosuge, Tsune, "Insertion sequence elements of Pseudomonas savastanoi: Nucleotide sequence and homology with Agrobacterium tumefaciens", PNAS USA 83, pp 8263-8267, November 1986.
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