Manila envelope:
Typewritten copy of Hollaender, A. and Zimmer, E. M, "The effect of ultraviolet radiation and X-rays on mutation production in Penicillium notatum", Genetics 30, p 8, January 1945
Several reprints of Hollaender, A., Sansome, Eva R., Zimmer, E., and Demerec, M., "Quantitative irradiation experiments with Neurosopor crassa. II. Ultraviolet irradiation." Am. J. Botany 32 (4), pp 226-235, April 1945.
Loose papers:
"Abstracts of Papers Prepared for the 1944 meeting of the Genetics Society of America, September 12-14, 1944, Cleveland Ohio". Includes the abstract seen above by Hollaender and Zimmer on page 8. Handwritten note at bottom: "Vol. 30(1), 8 (1944 GSA meeting, pub. July 1945)"
Typewritten copy of Sansome, E. R., Hollaender, A., Zimmer, E., and Demerec, M., "Quantitative effects of radiation on mutation production in Neurospora crassa" without precise journal information other than "printed in Records of the Genetics Society of America, 13, 1944".
Second copy of Genetics 30, p 8, January 1945
Third copy of Genetics 30, p 8, January 1945, recently xeroxed, showing a route slip that says "Miss Zimmer: There has been so much demand for reprints of this abstract that I've decided to make up more."
Additional copies of Sansome, Hollaender, Zimmer and Demerec's "Quantitative effects of radiation on mutation production in Neurospora crassa."
July 19, 1977 Esther M. Lederberg to the editor of the ASM News, requesting that its papers adhere to a previous proposal for nomenclature in bacterial genetics (Demerec M., et al, Genetics 54:61-76, 1966). Letter is labeled "Appendix 22" -- probably appended to a request for funding?
May 1980 description of Genetic Culture Collections of the Plasmid Reference center, labeled "Appendix 26."
Manila folder:
Loose papers:
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