Many other different photographs of the same researchers found at "Photo Slides" (as well as other researchers) may be found on this web-site by examining "Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory". Navigate from the main page.
Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg was well-known by her friends and colleagues to always be carrying
a camera, with which she constantly took photographs. During the divorce between
herself and her first husband Josh Lederberg, Esther consented to share these photographic slides
with Josh. It should be noted that in accordance with legal agreements, the photographs not
in slide form, referred to as the Cold Spring Harbor collection, are explicitly excluded
from any use by Josh Lederberg, directly or indirectly.
The people photographed in the slides often overlapped with the people in the Cold Spring Harbor
photographs, but there were differences.
Some of the Cold Spring Harbor photographs are not found among the photo slides, while some of
the photo slides are not found among the Cold Spring Harbor photographs. Thus, researchers should
look in both sources to find photographs of interest. The photograph slides are not in as good
condition as the Cold Spring Harbor photographs, however.
At the time of Esther and Josh Lederberg's divorce, their legal agreement specified that both parties
would have a copy of the photo slides. Perhaps in duplicating the slides, the slides were disordered;
or perhaps they were never ordered. In any case, the slides are inventoried as "Box 1" through "Box 32".
There does not appear to be any further categorization; thus, slides for Japan may be found in more
than one box, etc.
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The Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg Trust
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