Seminar announcement: Plasmids in the Enteric Bacteria, given by Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg on Tuesday, September 16, 1975, 1:30 pm, at Stanford
Handwritten notes with the header: 2/13/78 MM02
Handout master: DNA RECOMBINANT MOLECULES (illustration)
Handwritten notes for "Class lecture, Winter 2968: F prime"
November 5, 1977: Four-page handwritten, double-spaced draft; appears to be speaker's notes for "Bacteria Fight Back"
Three double-spaced typewritten pages that recapitulate the handwritten draft listed just above (final speaker's notes?)
Two handwritten pages of notes for what appears to be a lecture. No title is provided. Subheadings include (but are not limited to):
Reprint of Lederberg, Esther M. "Prefix designations: plasmid prefix designations registered by the Plasmid Reference Center 1977-1985", Plasmid 15, 57-92, 1986
Two handwritten pages of notes with the header: "Collaborators". These appear to be rough speaker's notes for a talk entitled "Day of The Plasmids"
Typed handout or slide: "The Day Of The Plasmids?"
Visual: "P. lac (an episome from Proteus)"
Typed handout or slide: "Some Properties of Medical Interest Coded by Plasmids"
Typed handout or slide: "Drug-inactivating Enzymes Determined by R Factors of Various Groups"
Manila folder:
Department of Medical Microbiology Genetics Group announcement of Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg speaking about Pseudomonas Plasmids on Thursday, January 15, 1975, 4:15 pm Conference Room
Six handwritten pages of notes, beginning with page 1C (related to the pages 1A and 1B above?)
Seven pages typed on perforated paper (unseparated), with the heading
"Outline of answers to your 7 questions; Informal Draft only"
Various drafts of the answers to 7 questions (questions not found in
this folder).
The answers given talk about the beginnings of the field of bacterial
genetics, including:
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